
2012-12-10 10:49:56 托福机经
   Task 1

  Is it good for college students do part time jobs? What is your opinion and why? what are some advantages or disadvantages of doing part time jobs. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 和点题班Y套类似

  Working while studying is tricky. My two biggest priorities in college are studying and socializing, and the time you split between both is already limited. Adding work to that will make time management much harder. Depending on the kind of work you do, like, washing dishes maybe, you'll probably also be more tired. So you're more liable to snooze through classes, or miss out on activities your friends are going to.

  On the other hand, having a job can force you to structure your time and prioritize your activities better. So, in the end, the overall quality of your pursuits could increase. Also, if you can find a job on campus, say at a coffee shop for instance, you'll see students or faculty you don't normally interact with, so you can socialize that way.

  Task 2

  你认为hard work 跟 social skills 哪个对于 achieve success 更important

  Which one do you think is more important to achieve success, hard work or social skill? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

  While I think both qualities are important to achieving success, I think a hard work ethic is the most important. With socials skills you might be able to make a better first impression with your teachers and bosses, but in the end your work should speak for itself. I have plenty of classmates who have a very good report with the teachers. These classmates are intelligent and well-liked, but when it comes time to hand in finals papers and exams, they are full of excuses. In the work place it's the same situation. Say you're a salesman. To be a salesman you must have social skills, but you also must be willing to work very hard. Your customers might like you, but if you do not put in hard work, they probably will not buy anything from you.

  Task 3


  学生态度:女生反对此建议。两个理由:理由1、这样学生就不会看书了,每个人只会管自己负责的那一章而忽略其它章,因为反正最后都会知道答案。理由2、期末考试期间,学生都在忙着准备自己的考试,没时间给别人详细讲自己所负责的单元。2010.10.30 NA


  Task 4

  名词解释:restoration ecology(恢复生态学):人类主动恢复已经被破坏了的生物的自然景观,必须试图恢复以前那片地所有的因素,lack essential factor可能会恢复失败it must fail。

  教授举例:教授举了个例子,美国以前的XXWEED很多,但因为过度放牧和人类开农场铲掉种玉米corn,WEED已经被destroy了。为了恢复生态,科学家先除去庄稼、然后在草原上拨撒草籽种WEED,但草并没有长起来,因为唯独没考虑加入fire。Fire烧死WEED还形成肥料。最后加入了fire后,问题便迎刃而解。2010.10.30 NA

  解析:阅读中的关键术语是恢复生态学(restoration ecology),记录下对此术语的解释。教授举了个例子,按照时间发展顺序将笔记内容一一阐述清楚。答题要点,以前weed多,现在被destroy,为了恢复开始撒种,但是唯独没有加fire,所以没有成功,最后加fire,问题解决(注意时态是过去式,基于对阅读材料中对术语的理解进行答题)。

  Task 5

  学生困难:女生的室友whole night给她男友打电话太吵always talks over the phone with her boyfriend over night,影响了她的休息can't fall in asleep and get enough sleep。她同时室友谈过,但是室友不听。解决方案:男生给她两个方案:方案1、去房管科housing office投诉complain。但女生认为,这个做法过于正式formal。后果会很严重:室友会被赶出宿舍be kicked out of the dorm,而且室友并不坏she is not a bad person,这样would destroy the relationship with her roommate。方案2、move to a new extra room in the same building。女生说这样她会失去miss 住在这个floor her friends, and feel lonely。她舍不得。2011.4.30NA

  解析:答题思路:The woman is confronted with a problem that her roommate always talks over the phone with her boyfriend over night, so that she cannot fall asleep or get enough sleep. They've talked about it, but her roommate never listened to her. 两个解决方案,一个是找housing office complain,一个是move to a new extra room in the same building。可以选择第二个方法,因为这样不会让室友被赶出宿舍,而她还会在其他楼层交到更多的朋友,因此她不必担心会孤独。

  Task 6

  讲课要点:two ways to improve the employees' productivity.一个是social活动,大家在一起,很多了解,促进友谊,提高员工生产力。一个是职业培训,给员工以资鼓励,员工更乐意学习,提高生产力。

  解析:教授阐明提高劳动者生产力有两个方法,一个是社会活动,一个是培训。根据听力笔记分别阐述两个方法。构架如下:The professor gives two ways to improve the employee's productivity. One is the social activity, and the other one is professional training. For the first one, For the second one, ….
























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   Task 1

  Is it good for college students do part time jobs? What is your opinion and why? what are some advantages or disadvantages of doing part time jobs. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 和点题班Y套类似

  Working while studying is tricky. My two biggest priorities in college are studying and socializing, and the time you split between both is already limited. Adding work to that will make time management much harder. Depending on the kind of work you do, like, washing dishes maybe, you'll probably also be more tired. So you're more liable to snooze through classes, or miss out on activities your friends are going to.

  On the other hand, having a job can force you to structure your time and prioritize your activities better. So, in the end, the overall quality of your pursuits could increase. Also, if you can find a job on campus, say at a coffee shop for instance, you'll see students or faculty you don't normally interact with, so you can socialize that way.

  Task 2

  你认为hard work 跟 social skills 哪个对于 achieve success 更important

  Which one do you think is more important to achieve success, hard work or social skill? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

  While I think both qualities are important to achieving success, I think a hard work ethic is the most important. With socials skills you might be able to make a better first impression with your teachers and bosses, but in the end your work should speak for itself. I have plenty of classmates who have a very good report with the teachers. These classmates are intelligent and well-liked, but when it comes time to hand in finals papers and exams, they are full of excuses. In the work place it's the same situation. Say you're a salesman. To be a salesman you must have social skills, but you also must be willing to work very hard. Your customers might like you, but if you do not put in hard work, they probably will not buy anything from you.

  Task 3


  学生态度:女生反对此建议。两个理由:理由1、这样学生就不会看书了,每个人只会管自己负责的那一章而忽略其它章,因为反正最后都会知道答案。理由2、期末考试期间,学生都在忙着准备自己的考试,没时间给别人详细讲自己所负责的单元。2010.10.30 NA


  Task 4

  名词解释:restoration ecology(恢复生态学):人类主动恢复已经被破坏了的生物的自然景观,必须试图恢复以前那片地所有的因素,lack essential factor可能会恢复失败it must fail。

  教授举例:教授举了个例子,美国以前的XXWEED很多,但因为过度放牧和人类开农场铲掉种玉米corn,WEED已经被destroy了。为了恢复生态,科学家先除去庄稼、然后在草原上拨撒草籽种WEED,但草并没有长起来,因为唯独没考虑加入fire。Fire烧死WEED还形成肥料。最后加入了fire后,问题便迎刃而解。2010.10.30 NA

  解析:阅读中的关键术语是恢复生态学(restoration ecology),记录下对此术语的解释。教授举了个例子,按照时间发展顺序将笔记内容一一阐述清楚。答题要点,以前weed多,现在被destroy,为了恢复开始撒种,但是唯独没有加fire,所以没有成功,最后加fire,问题解决(注意时态是过去式,基于对阅读材料中对术语的理解进行答题)。

  Task 5

  学生困难:女生的室友whole night给她男友打电话太吵always talks over the phone with her boyfriend over night,影响了她的休息can't fall in asleep and get enough sleep。她同时室友谈过,但是室友不听。解决方案:男生给她两个方案:方案1、去房管科housing office投诉complain。但女生认为,这个做法过于正式formal。后果会很严重:室友会被赶出宿舍be kicked out of the dorm,而且室友并不坏she is not a bad person,这样would destroy the relationship with her roommate。方案2、move to a new extra room in the same building。女生说这样她会失去miss 住在这个floor her friends, and feel lonely。她舍不得。2011.4.30NA

  解析:答题思路:The woman is confronted with a problem that her roommate always talks over the phone with her boyfriend over night, so that she cannot fall asleep or get enough sleep. They've talked about it, but her roommate never listened to her. 两个解决方案,一个是找housing office complain,一个是move to a new extra room in the same building。可以选择第二个方法,因为这样不会让室友被赶出宿舍,而她还会在其他楼层交到更多的朋友,因此她不必担心会孤独。

  Task 6

  讲课要点:two ways to improve the employees' productivity.一个是social活动,大家在一起,很多了解,促进友谊,提高员工生产力。一个是职业培训,给员工以资鼓励,员工更乐意学习,提高生产力。

  解析:教授阐明提高劳动者生产力有两个方法,一个是社会活动,一个是培训。根据听力笔记分别阐述两个方法。构架如下:The professor gives two ways to improve the employee's productivity. One is the social activity, and the other one is professional training. For the first one, For the second one, ….
