阅读:岛上巨石人像怎么运过去的...三个说法,pulling, walking, rolling.
第三,如果rolling的话,有一个问题,小岛很hilly,速度不好控制,尤其是有下坡时,速度会加快without notice,所以石像很容易摔成好几块,但是岛上没有发现任何碎片...
Writing Section:
1. Reading: the moai, one kind of statue, were considered that by pulling rollsto move, or by "walking" on its angles, or by moving with wood logs.
Lecture: the professor denies:
1. (not sure) required a largepopulation;
2. if walking on angles, there will have some damages on its base,but it didn't;
3. if out of controlled, the moai would fall into sleds, butscientists did not find any under sleds.
Easter Island 大石像如何从interior 搬到coast; pulling, walking, rolling, lecturer 反对分别因为:没有足够人力pulling;石像底座没有损坏所以不是walking;rolling也不对 因为go down the hill不可能不不搞碎石像。
作文 moda(**岛 神像)text述了三个方式来移动 moda ; lecture反驳人不够,太重,....
A/DA: the government should spend more money on education of very youngchildren than the education of universities
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
For successful development of a country, should a government focus its budget more on very young children education rather than on universities?
It is more important that a government should spend money on education of young children than on university?
government should spend more money on education for young children than in university.
发达国家是否应该更注重对young child(3-10岁)的教育