
2013-04-17 19:45:06 托福开头托福口语机经

  Task 1
  If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study,what would you choose? Explain your choice,using specific reasons and details. 描述一项想学的技能

  Task 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phone should be forbidden in some places. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 手机该不该在一些地方禁止   task 3

  art class of sculpture , the school is planning to downsize the class size from 30 to 15, due to two reasons, the first one is that too many students may not get the attention from teacher as when it was of a smaller size, and 交流 is crutial to art class. the second reason is that it is too expensive to buy the materials(不记得啥了) for so many studerts.

  女生观点:完全不同意,sculpture is so important for students of arts that they would like to choose the class even if not paid so much attention from the teacher, the new regulation will 剥夺很多art student’s previlige to choose the class they want. Secondly, the art students would pay for the materials themself, just to get the chance to attend the class.

  学校要减少一个art 什么的课的人数,理由是 人太多造成教授的attentive受到影响,另一个就是费用比较高。一男一女两个同学讨论,男问女的看法,女同学说很不开心,这个课很重要,less attentive is better than do not have any class at all,对于花费高她说这个也不是个好理由,这课真的很重要,所以即使要掏钱学,很多人会pay for it. 复述女孩的态度

   task 4
  【passage】:Progress explanation means somebody tells sb else how to do some work. Progress explanation有两类:1、directive explanation。teach people how to carry out a project step by step. with instruction 2、informational explanation。just tell people a general idea about it ,without instruction, people are not told how to finish the task themselves.

  【lecture】:the professor use two examples to illustrate two types: 1、he bought a cell phone recently,但不会put the telephone number into cell phone. His friend taught him how to enter the name and phone number step by step,for example, first input a number then a name . but one night the prof saw on Tv a program , says how signal is transmitted from one cellphone to another when dialed, by atenas and satellites, but it didn’t tell how to use the phone, so the prof didn’t know how to use the phone even after watching the program

  question: how does the prof illustrate the definition of progress explanation using examples?


   task 5
  女生语速超快!向男生抱怨 she’s tutoring a high school girl physics, twice a week, and the girl’s grade is already 提高, but she’s got mid-term exam and several papers coming ,and it will be her last semester, she’s afraid she can’t manage anymore

  男生建议 why don’t you go less often ,like twice a month or so, or probably ask your roomate to do the tutoring for you

  女生: 针对twice a month的回应我不记得鸟:( 用roommate代替的话她提出high school girl is too shy.   question: describe the problem the girl encountered and the two solutions , which one do you approve?

  女孩说自己在给一个女孩做tutoring,但是她最近有mid-term还有很多paper,家教一周两次,所以忙不过来。她不能推辞,因为这个女孩成绩已经有进步了,而且depending on her.男生提议说要不less often吧,女生说想过一个月两次,但是这对女孩来说不够。男孩又说要不找个人代替,女孩说她室友在做tutoring,但是那个女孩很shy,不太容易接受someone new. 复述问题和解决方法,你赞同哪种

   Task 6
  paitings were not perspective which means flat lacking dimensions before the renaissance,

  but after the renaissance, several methods were used that helped the paintings look more perspective and realistic, 但是只是作者推测

  1.artists began using optical devices such as camera or mirrors, for example, to draw a bow of fruit, they can use mirror to reflect the image on canvas, then trace the lines,最后一句不记得了

  2.artists began using special paint oils, which takes more time to dry, the artist could pay more attention to details, which also makes the painting more perspective

  question: 文艺复兴后画家们用了哪些办法让油画更立体?

  一个艺术史的讲座,基本没听懂,看到题才知道是讲的从文艺复兴到现实主义过渡中的两个理论,一个是用反射什么的,camera什么的,说了一堆我没听懂。还有一个是油画oil painting。画的可以很慢,所以可以有时间描绘细节,什么时候觉得画好了什么时候停。
























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  Task 1
  If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study,what would you choose? Explain your choice,using specific reasons and details. 描述一项想学的技能

  Task 2
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phone should be forbidden in some places. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer 手机该不该在一些地方禁止   task 3

  art class of sculpture , the school is planning to downsize the class size from 30 to 15, due to two reasons, the first one is that too many students may not get the attention from teacher as when it was of a smaller size, and 交流 is crutial to art class. the second reason is that it is too expensive to buy the materials(不记得啥了) for so many studerts.

  女生观点:完全不同意,sculpture is so important for students of arts that they would like to choose the class even if not paid so much attention from the teacher, the new regulation will 剥夺很多art student’s previlige to choose the class they want. Secondly, the art students would pay for the materials themself, just to get the chance to attend the class.

  学校要减少一个art 什么的课的人数,理由是 人太多造成教授的attentive受到影响,另一个就是费用比较高。一男一女两个同学讨论,男问女的看法,女同学说很不开心,这个课很重要,less attentive is better than do not have any class at all,对于花费高她说这个也不是个好理由,这课真的很重要,所以即使要掏钱学,很多人会pay for it. 复述女孩的态度

   task 4
  【passage】:Progress explanation means somebody tells sb else how to do some work. Progress explanation有两类:1、directive explanation。teach people how to carry out a project step by step. with instruction 2、informational explanation。just tell people a general idea about it ,without instruction, people are not told how to finish the task themselves.

  【lecture】:the professor use two examples to illustrate two types: 1、he bought a cell phone recently,但不会put the telephone number into cell phone. His friend taught him how to enter the name and phone number step by step,for example, first input a number then a name . but one night the prof saw on Tv a program , says how signal is transmitted from one cellphone to another when dialed, by atenas and satellites, but it didn’t tell how to use the phone, so the prof didn’t know how to use the phone even after watching the program

  question: how does the prof illustrate the definition of progress explanation using examples?


   task 5
  女生语速超快!向男生抱怨 she’s tutoring a high school girl physics, twice a week, and the girl’s grade is already 提高, but she’s got mid-term exam and several papers coming ,and it will be her last semester, she’s afraid she can’t manage anymore

  男生建议 why don’t you go less often ,like twice a month or so, or probably ask your roomate to do the tutoring for you

  女生: 针对twice a month的回应我不记得鸟:( 用roommate代替的话她提出high school girl is too shy.   question: describe the problem the girl encountered and the two solutions , which one do you approve?

  女孩说自己在给一个女孩做tutoring,但是她最近有mid-term还有很多paper,家教一周两次,所以忙不过来。她不能推辞,因为这个女孩成绩已经有进步了,而且depending on her.男生提议说要不less often吧,女生说想过一个月两次,但是这对女孩来说不够。男孩又说要不找个人代替,女孩说她室友在做tutoring,但是那个女孩很shy,不太容易接受someone new. 复述问题和解决方法,你赞同哪种

   Task 6
  paitings were not perspective which means flat lacking dimensions before the renaissance,

  but after the renaissance, several methods were used that helped the paintings look more perspective and realistic, 但是只是作者推测

  1.artists began using optical devices such as camera or mirrors, for example, to draw a bow of fruit, they can use mirror to reflect the image on canvas, then trace the lines,最后一句不记得了

  2.artists began using special paint oils, which takes more time to dry, the artist could pay more attention to details, which also makes the painting more perspective

  question: 文艺复兴后画家们用了哪些办法让油画更立体?

  一个艺术史的讲座,基本没听懂,看到题才知道是讲的从文艺复兴到现实主义过渡中的两个理论,一个是用反射什么的,camera什么的,说了一堆我没听懂。还有一个是油画oil painting。画的可以很慢,所以可以有时间描绘细节,什么时候觉得画好了什么时候停。
