Sample Question:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
It is easier to succeed nowadays than in the past.
Factor 1: ability (能力)
包括知识储备(knowledge reserves),沟通技巧(communication skills),抗挫折能力(ability to resist setback)和情商(emotion quality)。
Sample Sentences:
1. In the last century, it’s hard to obtain information because of the lack of technology, while currently we can access to any information in seconds.
2. In the past, someone possessed a special skill could succeed easily, however, it’s no longer feasible nowadays since the exploration of knowledge.
Factor 2: Partner(合作伙伴)
Sample sentences:
1. Twenty years ago, people could achieve success by working alone, such as starting a personal business, however, after the industrialization, cooperation have became one of the most important factors for success.
2. In fact, it’s essential to cooperate if one wants to succeed. As a consequence, no matter in any times, the degree of loyalty and compatibility of partners is crucial.
Factor 3: Competition(竞争)
在很大程度上,成功是一个相对性(relative)的概念,而非绝对性的(absolute)概念,也就是说衡量一个人是否成功在于他在某个特定的圈子中能否脱颖而出。所以,竞争环境(competitive environment)是一个重要的影响因素(factor)。
Sample sentences:
1. As the explosion of population, the world has been becoming increasing competitive; as a consequence, it’s harder to stand out nowadays than in the past.
2. Competition and opportunities coexist, the more competitive, the more opportunities there are. Consequently, it’s not sensible to assert it’s easier to succeed in our age than in the past.