The government must make choices about how to spend its money on amusing the people. Given the choices between spending tax dollars on art or sport. 政府是应该资助体育还是艺术?(2013年12月7日)
1. Some people argue that arts (e.g. painting & music) do not directly improve people's quality of life, therefore, government should spend more money on other things,do you agree or disagree? 有人认为艺术(绘画和音乐)不能直接提高人民的生活质量,因此,政府应该在其他方面投资,是否认同?
2. The government should not spend money on national defense. It should put the money in arts instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 政府不应该在国防方面投资,政府应该投资艺术,是否认同?