Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice,take some additional time to consider your response. 偶很稀饭这句话滴,经常在邮件里面对老外说,嘻嘻。
We’ve been over this. 我不想再谈这事了。
Why won’t you let me help you?
No more talking in line. 感叹于美式英语的简洁明了啊~~
Name and back number. 名字和号码。
- Scofield, Michael. 94941.
Are you a religious man, Scofield? 你是个基督教徒吗?
Never really thought about it. 从来没真正想过。
Good, ‘cause the Ten Commandments don’t mean a box of piss in here.很好,因为十诫在这里就是狗屎。老美一般把because缩写成’cause。
We got two commandments and two only.在这里我们只有两条戒律。