center now Im in a small apartment, with barely enough roomforeverything. All my furniture and the things Ive accumulatedsinceI center college barely fit. I have almost no closet spacecenter. Thismeans my clothes are always wrinkled because theyrecrushedtogether. I dont have anyplace to put my cleaning supplies,norroom for more than one set of sheets and towels. A new housewouldmean a lot more room for all these things.
I love having plants around. Its very healthy for the airinsideand its cheerful to have living things growing in a room.centernow I have plants sitting on tables. This is the best I cando inan apartment. Id like to have a garden instead. That way Icouldgrow a lot of different kinds of plants and flowers, and Icouldhave a vegetable garden in the summer.
Besides having a garden, Id like to have a backyard with lotsoftrees and a small fountain in the corner. I love watching birdsandlistening to them sing. On the windowsill of my apartment, Iputout bird seed every morning. In the hot weather, I put outashallow tin plate with water in it for the birds. The trees andthefo
untain in my backyard would give me pleasure, but theydreallybe for the birds. The trees would give them a place to nest,andthe fountain would be a source of fresh water when its hot.
Can you picture my dream house A business would only givememoney. A house would give me someplace special tobemyself.
2012-11-14 09:57:58 赏析