Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work。重复2014年7月6日
1. 让人全面发展:well-rounded: mentally and physically active
2. 扩大社交圈people from all walks of life / like-minded peers
3. 放松:relax=unwind = loosen up by doing something/ take their mind off their busy work/refreshed and recharged
1. Workers would be much happier if they aredoing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task.(130412NA)
2. It is more likely for people with moreskills to succeed.
bird feeder do harm to birds(话题17年12月16的听力Conversation考过还记得不)重复2016.4.23的综合写作题目
喂鸟是否对它们是一种伤害? | |
1. Feeding causes them to converge and diseases can spread among the birds. 喂鸟导致了它们聚集在一起并使疾病传播。 | 1. Natural factors are the real cause of diseases. For instance, House Finches. 其它的自然因素才是导致疾病的原因。用House Finch这种鸟类来举例说明。 |
2. Human feeding activities make them vulnerable to predators. 会导致它们减少抵御天敌的能力,导致它们数量下降。 | 2. They’re less likely to suffer malnutritionthanks to the feeding and their population can go up. 因为喂食,它们会更健康,最终数量会增加。 |
3. It’s disruptive to the birds’ migration habit since they can become heavily dependent on humans. 它们习惯于喂养后就不愿再迁移了,冬天会冻死。 | 3. Other elements such as the sunlight and temperatures are what alter their migration. 一些鸟没有按时迁移是因为阳关与温度的变化,而与喂食无关。 |