综合写作 | ||
话题分类 | 自然科学 | |
考题回忆 | 总论点 | The reading provides three theories of the uses of Scottish Brochs; However, the professor in the lecture refutes all these theories. |
阅读部分 | 1. Scottish Brochs could be used as defense; 2. Another theory indicates that Scottish Brochs were probably used to store foods in the period of surplus food; 3. Scottish Brochs were just homes of leaders and wealthy people. | |
听力部分 | 1. Scottish Brochs would fail to defend enemies attack, since there were no small windows; 2. Water tanks and fire places were also found in Scottish Brochs, which supported that Scottish Brochs cannot serve the purpose as barns; 3. The location of Scottish Brochs means that they were not homes of leaders.
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解题思路 | 这篇综合写作难度中等。阅读部分涉及特有名词并不多;听力涉及到一些阅读中未提及的新信息,语速适中,逻辑清楚。 这类综合写作属于“可能功能”类题型。阅读提及了某处古迹的可能用途,听力逐一提供细节反驳这些用途。与本题相近的题目有TPO 5 the Great house, 在其中提及 Great house的三种可能用途。 | |
参考范文 | In the reading material, the writer provides there theories to conjecture the probable uses of Scottish Brochs. However, the professor in the lecture totally refutes all these three theories.
Firstly, the reading material suggests that Scottish Brochs could be used as defense. On the contrary, the professor in the lecture argues that Scottish Brochs would fail to defend enemy’s attack, since there were no small windows to allow people to shoot arrows. As a result, enemies can easily besiege Scottish with fire.
Another theory indicates that Scottish Brochs were probably used to store foods in the period of surplus food. The professor provides more details that water tanks and fire places were also found in Scottish Brochs, which supported that Scottish Brochs cannot serve the purpose as barns, since both water and fire could destroy foods.
At last, the reading material hypothesizes that Scottish Brochs were just homes of leaders and wealthy people. By contrast, the profess emphasizes the location of Scottish Brochs. Usually, leaders’ house were surrounded by small houses of civilians. However, Scottish Brochs were found solitary or built together. | |
独立写作 | ||
话题分类 | 家庭/生活方式 | |
考题回忆 | Nowadays it is not important for people to have regular family meals together. | |
解题思路 | 这道题讨论了与家人相处方式:在当前社会,与家人们常规的聚餐并不是特别重要。 如果选同意这个观点,就是认为我们没我们没有必要与家人有常规的聚餐了。可以论述的角度有: 1. 现今年轻人为了更好的学习与工作条件,往往和家人不在一个城市甚至不在同一个国家,没有太多条件一起吃饭; 2. 现代年轻人与父母理念差异较大,生活与饮食习惯不同。在一起聚餐,众口难调;
当然,可能更多同学们看到这道题目时,脑海浮现的是温馨、幸福的家庭团聚画面,如果有条件,为什么不多一点家庭聚餐呢?不同意这个观点,理由如下: 1. 在中国社会,每一代人各司其职,年轻人在外面工作拼搏,年长的父母在家。通常都是年轻人劳累一整人的最大欣慰就是和家人一起吃一顿温馨的晚餐。 2. 家庭聚餐能够让家人们有更多的交流机会,能够进一步的增强家人间的亲情。 | |
参考范文 | In Confucius theory about family, the harmony and reunion of several generations is the phenomenon representing happiness of a big family. Relatives sitting at table enjoy excellent homemade cuisine and time being together. However, I support the notion that eating together regularly for family members is neither practical nor as important as in the old times.
Firstly, the form of habitation considerably affects family relationship and the living habits. At present, the social structure and people’s lifestyles have undergone dramatic changes. The traditional concept in China valued the union of family members. In the past, larger families used to be the major units of the social make-up. All the relatives in a family were supposed to eat together in a large dinning room. Today, such a situation no longer exists. In today’s Beijing, most of young people tend to live away from parent’s house and choose to eat in restaurants or ask for food-delivery service by their smartphone. To some degree, the different life style of generations lessens the importance of regular family meals.
Secondly, owing to the higher speed of life and unprecedented social pressure, seldom can people afford to spend time in staying with families frequently. An online survey showed that 56 percent of people in China constantly feel short of time. The negative effects are also exhibited in people’s family life. On weekdays, urban dwellers are busy at their workplaces. During the weekend, most white collar workers will make full use of their valuable leisure time to have a good rest so as to conserve enough energy for the coming week. Less time is left for young people to stay together with their parents and grandparents.
Finally, today’s social reality has made people become far more self-centered than previous generations. Normally, one’s circle of contacts tends to focus more on those who are useful to satisfy their personal interests. Attention is gradually diverted from family relationships toward creation and organization of profit groups. Such an abrupt change in people’s values has indeed resulted in their growing indifference to their relationships with family members.
In brief, the changes taking place in many aspects of people’s life are double-sided. On one hand, they have worked together to bring about unprecedented advancement of modern society. On the other hand, it is due to these changes that one’s relationship with the extended family is no longer as important as before. |