≥ no less than
≈ approximately
= equal to
≠ not equal to
* important
** very important
× wrong, bad
√ right, good
↑ increase
↓ decrease
+ better
- worse
∵ because
∴ so
← reason
→ result
? question
! key point
∈ belong to
& and
-ism简写为m 例如:socialism Sm
-tion简写为n 例如:standardization (标准化) stdn
-cian简写为o 例如:technician techo
-ing 简写为g 例如:marketing (市场营销) MKTg
缩略词 原词
APT Apartment
ACC Accountant
ACDG According
ACPT Accept
AD Advertisement
ADS Address
ADV Advice
AMAP As much/many as possible
AMT Amount
APV Approve
ASAP As soon as possible
BAL Balance
BLDG Building
CERT Certificate
CFM Conform
CNCL Cancel
CNF Conference
CMI Commission
CMP Complete
CMPE Compete/competitive
CMU Communication
CONC Concern/concerning/concerned
COND Condition
CO. Company
DEPT Department
DISC Discount
DPT Departure
EXCH Exchange
EXPLN Explain
EXT Extent
FLT Flight
FNT Final
FRT Freight
FYR For your reference
GD Good
GUAR Guarantee
H.O. Home office
INFO Information
IMPS Impossible
IMP(T) Important
INCD Include
INDIV Individual
INS Insurance
INTST Interested
I/O In stead of
IOU I owe you
IVO In view of
MANUF Manufacture
MDL Model
MEMO Memorandum
MGR Manger
MIN Minimum
MKT Market
MSG Message
NCRY Necessary
NLT No later than
OBS Observe
OBT Obtain
ORD Ordinary
PAT Patent
PC Piece
PKG Packing
PL People
PLS Please
POSN Position
POSS Possible
PROD Product
QLTY Quality