TOEFL Essay for Topic No. 032
Saving Money May Be Bad Advice
Created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh
>Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examles to support your opinion.
Saving money at present without investing in oneself for the future may just turn to be bad advice, particularly for those young people who find it barely possible to make ends meet. If the goal is to be wealthy some time to come, one must perform a balancing act between the prospect of increasing income greatly and necessarily spending money wisely here and now. The logic is that there is a limit to how much one can save, but no limit to how much one can earn.
It would be better to ''enjoy'' one's money when earning it because a cent well spent now can bring in a dollar in the future. Indeed, it does not make practical sense to be pound-foolish and penny-wise. Just imagine an irony. When young, save a little money every month, and at the end of the year one is likely to be surprised at how little one has. As such, saving a small sum of money is not unlike folding it over and putting it in the pocket as if it were a safe way to double the amount. Simply put, it is advisable to keep money in the brain instead of the pocket because a young heart with a deep pocket does not have as much value as an enlightened mind.
Truly, the mentality of financial security is associated more with spending money to develop one's knowledge and experience than purposely living on the breadline to keep some idle banknotes. In fact, what can really make a difference is to make good use of what one can earn right now before it is too late. To illustrate, a story is told about Henry Ford who said ''I never saved a dollar until I was forty years old.'' His advice to young people--''Don't save any nickel. Invest in yourself.'' The lesson behind is that, "if money is one's hope for independence, one will never have it." In this sense, the only security that one can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge and experience to earn handsome income tomorrow rather than saving peanut money today.
As a conclusion, it is appropriate to say that expenses can be cut only so far while earning has no limit, at least in theory. The bottom line, therefore, is that frugality can enable one to feel some sort of security, but only by increasing earnings can one be elevated to a successful level. This being the argument, probably older people could prove to err on the side of caution in always advising young people to save money and not to enjoy it intelligently.