A. [学生困难] The woman has to arrange a field trip she has organized because the planned destination is closed.
[解决方案] two alternative destinations
a. The waterfall
b. The natural museum (an idea place for learning)
B. [学生困难] The boy’s camera went wrong and the sculpture pictures cannot be used in his article to be published
[解决方案] The girl recommends two solutions
a. To submit the article without the photos
b. To borrow a camera to retake the photos (article with pictures- attract more attention; much faster to retake the photos)
A. Loon birds have two types of feather to protect them in the cold water
a. The outer layer of the birds’ body- keep the water going into the body
b. The down feather- keeps the bird warm
B. Service (two methods a business can use to advertise and promote its service)
a. Ask customer to write testimonials (eg. The painting company can ask its former customers to write a good comment on their service)
b. Illustrate a comparison between the wall before and after the paint