For apple-shaped people hunting for the right diet, a blood test to determine insulin levels may help confirm which regimen will work best for them. But for pears, it remains a toss-up. So until scientists find out more about their body shape, they‘ll have to lose the old-fashioned way: eating less.
1. 研究指出,高胰岛素和身材像苹果的人,靠限制脂肪和热量的饮食来减重,效果较以低血糖饮食减重差。(低血糖饮食是指限制由饼干和马铃薯等甜食和淀粉类食物获得单纯的碳水化合物)
2. A new research indicates that where on your body you pack on extra kilograms may provide a clue to determining which diet will work best for you.
3. People who rapidly secrete a lot of insulin after eating a little bit of sugar tend to carry their excess weight around their waist—the so-called apple shape. People who secrete less insulin carry their excess fat around their hips—the pear shape.
4. 何谓“溜溜球效应”(yo-yo effect) 呢?简单的说,就是指体重像溜溜球一样忽高忽低。因为体重的减轻是由流失水分开始,然後是肌肉,最後才是脂肪。因此当你在节/绝食这段过程中,身体会先消耗肌肉,而在你再度进食後,身体会将食物转化成脂肪来囤积,而这样循环下去造成的效果,想减的脂肪没减掉,反而越堆越多,而减掉的只是水分跟肌肉,自然就越减越肥了!这样的减肥方法不但没用,而且伤身(长期饮食不均衡,回复饮食候更容易造成脂肪的堆积),简直是「赔了夫人又折兵」!